Who Am I?

My photo
Daniel Lewis. Ordinary name, not such an ordinary bloke. I'm from Llanelli, and I've lived in Bath, Cardiff and have now settled in Devon and soon to be Somerset. I graduated with an honours degree in Accounting and Finance from Aberystwyth University. I played 3 years for Tarannau Aberystwyth American Football Team and now play for Somerset Wyverns (#57 and now #27). I am the defensive coordinator for Exeter Demons. I enjoy my life to the best of my ability, through family, friends and sport. I'm one of those cases of don't judge a book by its cover. I love to hit and do all the macho things you can dream of, but I'm also a domesticated professional, who loves to cook and read books. I'm a bit of a strange one, from my sense of humour to the title of this blog, as one of the rare few linebackers that can count.

Sunday, 7 April 2019

2019 - A Polished Turd So Far

It's amazing how much can change in the two years since my last blog post. I promised to myself I would write more regularly. I didn't. It's been a shorter hiatus this time around, and now I think I need writing more than I ever have before. 2019 has started with an unwanted break up that I am now working my way through, that was timed delightfully with not getting 2 separate jobs I'd applied for. Until this point, I had never failed to get the job I had interviewed for. The break up has been a peculiar one. I did not want it, but accepted it and began moving through it. I healed wounds and started to think what the future would bring. I have no real idea if it is the right decision, but it's a decision. I couldn't cope living in limbo. Now the situation has flipped and serious regret is being shown from the other side. A lot of soul searching has happened, and I have certainly learned that everything happens for a reason. What will be will be.

The one thing that has kept me going through all of this, the one thing keeping me sane, has been football. In my first season as DC at Exeter Demons, we made the Division 1 South Final. As a constant underdog, we defied the odds, going on the road and beating the 4th and 3rd seeds. My best moment was avenging two regular season losses by beating Southampton when it mattered. This was the first time I felt I had truly out-coached someone, creating a unique defensive wrinkle, that the opposition head coach could not work out how to beat. I have really enjoyed my first foray into coaching, which was made even better by bringing Jack on board from Wyverns. Through adversity in the last year, our friendship has grown to the point where I now consider him one of my closest allies. A great coach & an even better bloke, he has made the coaching time so much more worth it.

On a playing front, I've missed a lot of Wyverns training with Exeter commitments. I've still managed to have a key influence and am currently CO-DC with Yogi. Writing a scheme for a senior team is a fun challenge and installing it via video due to not being there has been a fun and interesting challenge. I've also chosen to add an eligible number (#27, shout out to PT) just in case all the stars align and I get RB/FB snaps. Couple this with Steve (#8) joining us from South Wales and this season is shaping up to be great. Season opener is a week today against Cornish Sharks. Much like Exeter we're an underdog too, our second year in the league, and teams are writing us off already. I love being an underdog and can't wait to go down to Cornwall to do a job on them. Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave.

I set out writing this blog for it to be a cathartic experience. I wanted to get my thoughts out of my head and onto digital paper, to clear my mind and attempt to achieve some closure. It has certainly worked and I can feel the benefit already. It has been painful to share how I've been feeling but I feel much better for it. My friends have been brilliant for the last few months and continue to support me daily. A quarter of 2019 gone so far and it has not been good, a few bright spots barely helping. Here's hoping that the rest of the year can bring new horizons in a new town and some new experiences. First milestone - beating the Sharks come Sunday.


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