Who Am I?

My photo
Daniel Lewis. Ordinary name, not such an ordinary bloke. I'm from Llanelli, and I've lived in Bath, Cardiff and have now settled in Devon and soon to be Somerset. I graduated with an honours degree in Accounting and Finance from Aberystwyth University. I played 3 years for Tarannau Aberystwyth American Football Team and now play for Somerset Wyverns (#57 and now #27). I am the defensive coordinator for Exeter Demons. I enjoy my life to the best of my ability, through family, friends and sport. I'm one of those cases of don't judge a book by its cover. I love to hit and do all the macho things you can dream of, but I'm also a domesticated professional, who loves to cook and read books. I'm a bit of a strange one, from my sense of humour to the title of this blog, as one of the rare few linebackers that can count.

Friday 28 December 2012

Ufford Is Not Far Wrong

Here is a quote from one of my favourite weekly blogs, the sex and fantasy football mailbag from KSK. It is written by a guy called Matt Ufford who is by his own words on his twitter bio "SB Nation talking head, writer, Marine veteran, dog owner, occasional CrossFitter. Will bark like a seal for good whiskey." Sounds like a pretty stand up guy to me, and judging by his written work you'd most likely agree.

Anyways, here is a quote from his answer all blog. Considering my recent circumstances, it rings a bell for me. He's not far wrong, and I must be fairly accurate for the road to recovery.


Go ahead and feel sorry for yourself for a little while. Take two to four weeks to drink more than you should and listen to every sad song that you own. Break out photos of her for masturbation sessions that end in tears instead of orgasm. Be a miserable bore to your friends, who want to support you and hang out with you, but not if you’re just going to mope all night.
There. You got to wallow in your misery. Now it’s time to move on with your life. Let’s go to some numbered steps.

1. Realise that you shouldn’t want to be with someone who doesn’t love you.

“But what about all the hot sex and funny banter we had?” you ask. SHE STOPPED ENJOYING IT. SHE DOES NOT WANT YOU. It’s stupid and selfish to want to be with someone who doesn’t want you.

2. Break off all contact.

Don’t do that “let’s be friends” bullshit. Your ex-girlfriend wants to be your friend for two reasons: (1) so she can continue to receive attention from you, and (2) so she doesn’t have to feel so bad about rejecting you. Fuck that noise, let her feel bad. If she’s keeping you on the emotional hook by remaining in contact with you, ask her to stop because you want to focus on moving on with your life. From then on out, no contact. I SAID NO CONTACT. Block her on Gchat. Hide her Facebook timeline from your feed. No email, no texting, no anything. Pretend she’s dead. So sad she died, right? Oh well, better get a move on with your life.

3. Begin self-improvement.

Don’t worry about dating or rebound sex. (If you’re comfortable with it, go right ahead, but understand that re-entering the dating world can be a depressing experience after the emotional/sexual cocoon of a relationship.) Take your sadness and anger and your newfound free time and funnel it towards self-improvement. Start a new workout regimen. Sign up for cooking or bartending or wine-tasting classes. Throw yourself into your job. Volunteer for a children’s program or animal shelter. Out of the pyre of your failed relationship will emerge a stronger, more knowledgeable, and more caring person with new circles of friends from your new activities. YOU ARE A MAGNIFICENT PHOENIX.

In time, the more fit and more interesting person you become will also be naturally more confident, and you’ll end up dating women who are better looking and smarter than the stupid bitch who broke up with you in the first place.

Not only is living well the best revenge, it’s also living well, which, y’now, is kinda the whole point of life. And almost as nice as REVENGE!
Now I'm not saying its perfect, but its pretty damn good. Though I am currently heading into my 5th week of drinking more than I usually would. I'm sure I'll be fine.
Not the most informative return to blogging, but its a start. You should all read more KSK too.

Enjoy your new years, opinions more than welcome in the comments.

Thursday 26 July 2012

This stuff needs some credit

If any of you have been on my Facebook recently you will have seen a video that acts as a pump up for the upcoming NCAA football season. (35 DAYS TILL KO!). I came across this video whilst searching for official hype videos for the Oregon Ducks and the NCAA made by ESPN, but frankly these are better. If you are a fan of American football in the UK you will usually have only been exposed to the NFL. The clever ones all know college football is where its at. Better playbooks, more exciting plays and a less even game all make for superb watching. Here's the video I put up, and if your not even a little intrigued in college football after it/impressed by the video I wouldn't bother reading here anymore.


Just to let you guys know, I watched it twice the first time I came across it and have since watched it in HD on a 42 inch TV and it was even better. Now the video was compiled by a guy on Youtube called theSeanGshow. He has put together an outstandingly well cut up video, pieced together with a top track that fits perfectly to the high quality clips he has chosen. I applaud you sir.

His other videos are of the same quality and the double plus is that he seems to be an Oregon Ducks fan, just like myself. This is his Oregon hype video for the upcoming season. Love the tune, love the plays. Oregon's offense is out of this world. De-Anthony Thomas is not completely human.

You like hardest hit videos? He has them too, here's his go. The big difference in all of his work is the quality of the video he uses.

Having watched these videos, I wanted to write a blog and show my extended Internet universe the quality of them as well as to further expose you all to college football. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

p.s on a closing note, he doesn't just stick to football. For the wrestling fans out there, and seeming it was RAW 1000 this week take a trip down memory lane and see how many of these clips you can remember watching. Wrestling - a weekly soap for men.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Waw That Was Fast - 3 Years Done and Dusted

From this

to this ->

in just under three years.

A (non-exhaustive) list of things that have changed between now and then: I've grown 2 inches, I've put on two stone of (mostly) muscle, I have a girlfriend, I have a degree, I have a job and I've had the three best years of my life so far. Aberystwyth, who would have thought such a small student filled town could provide such laughter and enjoyment. I've changed from unemployed red faced teenager to a handsome young man (apparently) with a graduate job.

I was lucky enough to have three years filled with good housemates. Firstly in 128 PJM and then the last two years spent in the now legendary 16 Prospect Street. I will miss college football Saturdays, NFL Sundays, the vast amount of days spent playing games, watching films and chilling out. However I wont miss is the messy kitchen and overflowing bins. Living with you guys has been superb. Its been outstanding gents, including our regular visitors.

Changing my degree scheme going into second year was a necessary change, it would appear that years of beer and contact sports has rendered me a lot stupider than I used to be. With all that has been said and done, I would not have changed anything of my university experience if I had to go back and do it again. I joined a team that is more than just a team, and although we weren't successful it definitely made my university experience. I am now part of a family that will keep me connected to Aber for years to come. Thank you to everyone involved with Tarannau, its been a blast.

So now life presents me with a new challenge. For those of you that don't know I will be starting a graduate scheme with a popular bank in September. I will be moving to Bath for the first 6 months of my scheme. Strange place, still wondering if a small town Welsh boy will fit in. In the words of a dear friend of mine "There's always room for another exile". A flat of my own, and a new rugby club will hopefully help me pave my latest path.

So this is me at the moment, I've enjoyed being back in the world of blogging and will be returning quicker than the last time I left. Thanks Aber for the last 3 years.

p.s As its the 50 year anniversary of the Rolling Stones, here's my favourite song they ever made. Enjoy it, always reminds me of Sevens in second year.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

The Devil and His Evil Accomplice

Serious title? Yeah, almost had you there for a minute. Today I write about something that has been rankling me for quite some time. This subject may sound trivial, but I'm sure I will find somebody who agrees. Today I write about sandwiches. And the devil when it comes to sandwiches is mayonnaise. His accomplice, the deadly lettuce. Now firstly I will go out and say that I do not hate either of these components. Mayonnaise fits pretty well as a base to a lot of sauces and dips and lettuce, when fresh and crunchy is a great part of any salad. However, in the sandwich world they are both massively overused. And this annoys me. It seems that every sandwich pre-made and packaged to go out in a supermarket has to have mayonnaise or lettuce in it, and the majority of the time its both. Some sandwiches need it, as they are dry, but there are other sources of luscious sauce available! Why have mayonnaise on a chicken and bacon sandwich when you can have BBQ sauce? Also on the point of lettuce, it is just unneeded watery filler that is usually soggy or going off. It does not provide a nutritious edge to a sandwich, all it does is piss me off and make the sandwich taste odd. I'm not asking for the total eradication of mayonnaise or lettuce. All I ask is that for once sandwiches were made without them, for those of us that dislike them with a passion. And that goes for burgers too, nothing spoils a cheese burger like mayonnaise and lettuce!

Just a short one, not a great one but I hate neglecting my blog. Onwards and upwards. I will leave you with a piece from the one and only George Dawes. He was right about baked potatoes, he's right about mayonnaise too!