Who Am I?

My photo
Daniel Lewis. Ordinary name, not such an ordinary bloke. I'm from Llanelli, and I've lived in Bath, Cardiff and have now settled in Devon and soon to be Somerset. I graduated with an honours degree in Accounting and Finance from Aberystwyth University. I played 3 years for Tarannau Aberystwyth American Football Team and now play for Somerset Wyverns (#57 and now #27). I am the defensive coordinator for Exeter Demons. I enjoy my life to the best of my ability, through family, friends and sport. I'm one of those cases of don't judge a book by its cover. I love to hit and do all the macho things you can dream of, but I'm also a domesticated professional, who loves to cook and read books. I'm a bit of a strange one, from my sense of humour to the title of this blog, as one of the rare few linebackers that can count.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

This stuff needs some credit

If any of you have been on my Facebook recently you will have seen a video that acts as a pump up for the upcoming NCAA football season. (35 DAYS TILL KO!). I came across this video whilst searching for official hype videos for the Oregon Ducks and the NCAA made by ESPN, but frankly these are better. If you are a fan of American football in the UK you will usually have only been exposed to the NFL. The clever ones all know college football is where its at. Better playbooks, more exciting plays and a less even game all make for superb watching. Here's the video I put up, and if your not even a little intrigued in college football after it/impressed by the video I wouldn't bother reading here anymore.


Just to let you guys know, I watched it twice the first time I came across it and have since watched it in HD on a 42 inch TV and it was even better. Now the video was compiled by a guy on Youtube called theSeanGshow. He has put together an outstandingly well cut up video, pieced together with a top track that fits perfectly to the high quality clips he has chosen. I applaud you sir.

His other videos are of the same quality and the double plus is that he seems to be an Oregon Ducks fan, just like myself. This is his Oregon hype video for the upcoming season. Love the tune, love the plays. Oregon's offense is out of this world. De-Anthony Thomas is not completely human.

You like hardest hit videos? He has them too, here's his go. The big difference in all of his work is the quality of the video he uses.

Having watched these videos, I wanted to write a blog and show my extended Internet universe the quality of them as well as to further expose you all to college football. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

p.s on a closing note, he doesn't just stick to football. For the wrestling fans out there, and seeming it was RAW 1000 this week take a trip down memory lane and see how many of these clips you can remember watching. Wrestling - a weekly soap for men.

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