Who Am I?

My photo
Daniel Lewis. Ordinary name, not such an ordinary bloke. I'm from Llanelli, and I've lived in Bath, Cardiff and have now settled in Devon and soon to be Somerset. I graduated with an honours degree in Accounting and Finance from Aberystwyth University. I played 3 years for Tarannau Aberystwyth American Football Team and now play for Somerset Wyverns (#57 and now #27). I am the defensive coordinator for Exeter Demons. I enjoy my life to the best of my ability, through family, friends and sport. I'm one of those cases of don't judge a book by its cover. I love to hit and do all the macho things you can dream of, but I'm also a domesticated professional, who loves to cook and read books. I'm a bit of a strange one, from my sense of humour to the title of this blog, as one of the rare few linebackers that can count.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Unpacking - It's Like Tetris For Cool People...

So I'm writing this to serve as a distraction from unpacking all my worldly possessions that today have travelled back to Llanelli. My room in university is a bit like me: short, wide and oddly shaped. My room at home is also a bit like me: square. The difference being at home, my room is bigger, filled with a double bed and a distinct lack of storage for clothes. At Uni my room has a chest of drawers, an empty wardrobe and a bit of floor space. It's a "cosy" room but I make it work and I enjoy living in it. My room at home is nearly twice as big but contains a wardrobe full of my one year moved out sister's clothes, a two seat sofa and a load of household crap stuffed in a corner, but no chest of drawers whatsoever. So at this current moment in time I am puzzled as to where I can put my clothes so they at least look tidy and clean before the inevitable happens and I start to hang them up on the floor. Any helpful idea's would be greatly appreciated.

I've resorted to finding room for the important things in my life: ps3, TV, laptop, books and sports equipment. After that it's a free for all for space. It's not like I need clean clothes, walking around in just my pants won't upset anyone? right? Trying to push every little bit of stuff into a corner so that walking space can be achieved is frustrating, especially when all that's really left is three bags of clothes. So here's hoping I come up with a plan, because it is starting to annoy me. Writing this blog has not brought inspiration so I am hoping whoever reads this can. Moral of the story being that unpacking is unequivocally lame and no matter how much you try to repackage it, or picture yourself as Homer in the Simpson's, it is nowhere near as fun as tetris.

1 comment:

  1. No help needed. You said it yourself, you got TV PS3 and Laptop books and sports stuff. Nudity doesn't kill and cleanlyness is a virtue many in this modern world don't find essential (especially if you saw the state of our house in final year)
