Daniel Lewis. Ordinary name, not such an ordinary bloke. I'm from Llanelli, and I've lived in Bath, Cardiff and have now settled in Devon and soon to be Somerset. I graduated with an honours degree in Accounting and Finance from Aberystwyth University. I played 3 years for Tarannau Aberystwyth American Football Team and now play for Somerset Wyverns (#57 and now #27). I am the defensive coordinator for Exeter Demons. I enjoy my life to the best of my ability, through family, friends and sport. I'm one of those cases of don't judge a book by its cover. I love to hit and do all the macho things you can dream of, but I'm also a domesticated professional, who loves to cook and read books. I'm a bit of a strange one, from my sense of humour to the title of this blog, as one of the rare few linebackers that can count.
Serious title? Yeah, almost had you there for a minute. Today I write about something that has been rankling me for quite some time. This subject may sound trivial, but I'm sure I will find somebody who agrees. Today I write about sandwiches. And the devil when it comes to sandwiches is mayonnaise. His accomplice, the deadly lettuce. Now firstly I will go out and say that I do not hate either of these components. Mayonnaise fits pretty well as a base to a lot of sauces and dips and lettuce, when fresh and crunchy is a great part of any salad. However, in the sandwich world they are both massively overused. And this annoys me. It seems that every sandwich pre-made and packaged to go out in a supermarket has to have mayonnaise or lettuce in it, and the majority of the time its both. Some sandwiches need it, as they are dry, but there are other sources of luscious sauce available! Why have mayonnaise on a chicken and bacon sandwich when you can have BBQ sauce? Also on the point of lettuce, it is just unneeded watery filler that is usually soggy or going off. It does not provide a nutritious edge to a sandwich, all it does is piss me off and make the sandwich taste odd. I'm not asking for the total eradication of mayonnaise or lettuce. All I ask is that for once sandwiches were made without them, for those of us that dislike them with a passion. And that goes for burgers too, nothing spoils a cheese burger like mayonnaise and lettuce!
Just a short one, not a great one but I hate neglecting my blog. Onwards and upwards. I will leave you with a piece from the one and only George Dawes. He was right about baked potatoes, he's right about mayonnaise too!