Who Am I?

My photo
Daniel Lewis. Ordinary name, not such an ordinary bloke. I'm from Llanelli, and I've lived in Bath, Cardiff and have now settled in Devon and soon to be Somerset. I graduated with an honours degree in Accounting and Finance from Aberystwyth University. I played 3 years for Tarannau Aberystwyth American Football Team and now play for Somerset Wyverns (#57 and now #27). I am the defensive coordinator for Exeter Demons. I enjoy my life to the best of my ability, through family, friends and sport. I'm one of those cases of don't judge a book by its cover. I love to hit and do all the macho things you can dream of, but I'm also a domesticated professional, who loves to cook and read books. I'm a bit of a strange one, from my sense of humour to the title of this blog, as one of the rare few linebackers that can count.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Catch 22's Are A Pain In My Arse

3rd year has finally got serious. The balancing act of academic work, sport and socialising is finally being pushed to its limits. I still enjoy university, but the whole education thing is starting to grind my gears. It's been 17 years of full time education and finally I am starting to realise that I have had my fill. The idea of doing a master's at this point sickens me. If I did it now I would be stupid because all it would be is an expensive excuse to play uni football again. If I'm honest, as much as I love the club, I'd rather put pins in my eyes and dance the macarena than play another year. Tarannau Football is beginning to frustrate me.

That isn't the point of this rant blog. The point is two fold, one is finally getting back onto the blogosphere. Point one, check. The other is the stupid ass catch 22 situation that my life has presented me with. Education gets me a career (it did until the recession but that's a battle for another day) and the better a career I want, the longer I have to stay in education. In theory that's how it works, and if I'm honest that's how I hope it works. Saying that, I have had a pants full of education. Concentrating for an hour solid on an inane subject being taught by a complete bore who doesn't always have the best grasp of the kings has got real old. The trouble is (and here it comes) is that to graduate with a good degree I need to keep working, but all I want to do is leave and get a job and get money. To get this job and money I need to keep studying and working hard. My plight my not be as serious as that of Yossarian. No threat of death here (though maybe mental breakdown, who knows come January or May?) but my time in education has run its course. The decision to work hard is one I must take to achieve my goals but it springs so many other questions. Told you it was a pain in the arse. 

I know, I know, university isn't all about having fun. Third year is all serious. But I've worked hard since my degree has mattered (2nd year on) and am hoping of getting a 1st in order to get a big boy job and be successful. Finding the time to unwind is getting harder and harder, especially when I can't relax on a football field anymore. My university problems will leave when I graduate, though graduation means the real world. The real world scares me. What if I can't get a job? Goddammit. Maybe I should apply for a master's after all...